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All available job openings at Deva Medical Center on healthcare are listed on our site. We do not contact applicants from public domain email accounts and do not conduct online interviews, nor do we ever ask for personal information online. There are never any fees or financial transactions associated with applying for employment with us.

Helpful tips for your perfect CV Keep it real, Tailor it, Include a personal statement, Don't leave gaps, Keep it current, The error of your ways, Tell the truth, The maths, Make it look good, make it keyword friendly

Tips for CV photo Frame from the waist up, Dress proffessionally, Hair and makeup should be neutral, keep facial expressions and hand gesture neutral, Aviod props, Passport photo

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As a Physiotherapists you are needed to work with people on a daily basis, recommending exercise, carrying out massage, and using high-tech ultrasound equipment depending on your patients’ needs.

Publish date: March 27, 2021 | Deadline: Dec. 31, 2021